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Spectro, Astero et Hélio Blog
12 mai 2014

AZ cas observations

AZ cas observations
eshel observations, DeniSe instrument 0,355m f5 schmidt cassegrain reflector, spectrograph eshel R=11000, disp 0,1A/pix, wavelenght domain 4450A-8150A. Zip archive of 23 non normalized échelle orders in Bess Fit format (standart preprocessing, calibration...
11 juillet 2012

First echelle spectra of AZ Cas

First echelle spectra of AZ Cas
Here is an echelle spectra showing h alpha red wing in emission. Order 49 to 28, 4550A to 8000A seems to be good for exploitation. Threre is not enough signal in the blue to achieve a good snr so i didn't extract blue orders. It is the first echelle spectra...
10 juillet 2012

AZ Cas eclipse and periastron passage of 2012-2014, a new campaign

Spectroscopic observations are required for AZ cas (mV 9.3) i'm still trying to catch a spectra, first one i've took was from a brighter B7II star around.... Here are...
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