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Spectro, Astero et Hélio Blog

11 juillet 2012

First echelle spectra of AZ Cas

First echelle spectra of AZ Cas
Here is an echelle spectra showing h alpha red wing in emission. Order 49 to 28, 4550A to 8000A seems to be good for exploitation. Threre is not enough signal in the blue to achieve a good snr so i didn't extract blue orders. It is the first echelle spectra...
11 juillet 2012


The nova sgr 2012 No4 was discovered by Koichi Nishiyama, Kurume,Japan and Fujio Kabashima, Miyak, Japan. CBAT I have obtained an echelle spectrum (R~11000) of the Nova Sgr 2012 No.4 (CBET3166) on July 8.872 (UT), using the eshell spectrometer attached...
10 juillet 2012

AZ Cas eclipse and periastron passage of 2012-2014, a new campaign

Spectroscopic observations are required for AZ cas (mV 9.3) i'm still trying to catch a spectra, first one i've took was from a brighter B7II star around.... Here are...
4 juillet 2012

Publication of results of the Epsilon aurigae spectroscopic campaign

For HVAR2012, publication by AAVSO of results of the spectroscopic campaign on epsilon aurigae are available. An analysis of the behaviour of the K 7699A and Na D lines by Robin Leadbeater during eclipse can be found here
3 juillet 2012

FF cam poster

These days at HVAR 2012 here is the poster who summarize spectroscopic observations of this new founded binary. Any comments are welcome ! Poster_FF_Cam_Hvar_2012
30 juin 2012

RR Lyrae 20120624 Maxima

RR Lyrae 20120624 Maxima
Average seeing, and a strong wind did not allowed a good snr on this new time serie taken during a maxima rising phase Data at least. Note line doubling of NaD and strong h alpha and h beta emission during rising phase.
10 juin 2012

Last news of FF cam before poster publication at HVAR2012

Last news of FF cam before poster publication at HVAR2012
Anatoly Miroshnichenko and Stephen Danford, from University of North Carolina in Greensboro have begun to analyze the large collection of data on FF cam, available in Bess database. "Dear colleagues, Let me congratulate you on a discovery of binarity...
2 mai 2012

a visit to Greensboro University and Three College Observatory

a visit to Greensboro University and Three College Observatory
During a holiday trip in US, i had the opportunity to visit my friend Anatoly Miroshnichenko and his colleague Steve Danford at the University of North Carolina in Greensboro (UNCG). Here is a small report of a two days and one night spent there. Greensboro...
24 mars 2012

Call for CH cyg observation

Call for CH cyg observation
A call for observations of the famous symbiotic star, one of the brightest, CH cyg has been launched by Margaritta Karovska. This is to support observations planned for the next two weeks in X ray (CHANDRA) and otical/UV (HST) domains. Observations are...
23 mars 2012

FF cam, mid March report

FF cam, mid March report
FF cam is the weirdest thing i had never observed. Daily spectras are differents, intensities variation, shape, double or single peak, all configurations of the h alpha line for a Be star are possible. 4 differents observers are following this challenging...
7 mars 2012

Talk of Anatoly Miroshnichenko on delta sco 2010/2011

Miroshnichenko_DeltaSco_Iguassu_2012 Talk of Anatoly Miroshnichenko on delta sco 2010/2011 at Feb, 2012 ESO conference on hot stars in Brazil
8 février 2012

request for photmetry support by TAROT and amateur observers

I've sent a request to Alain Klotz, TAROT and some observers in France for a photmetry support of FF cam. I need a B V measure in Jonhson-Cousin system. Message en Français pour un support photométrique sur FF cam Il s'avère d'aprés le suivis spectrométrique...
2 février 2012

FF cam, January behavior of the H alpha line

FF cam, January behavior of the H alpha line
I've started a spectral monitoring of one my favorite star, FF cam . I discovered this star in 2009 by a routine survey of Be stars. Considering the Bess program, this star was observed only once par year before. I was surprised in 2009 in two consecutives...
2 janvier 2012

Deux sessions d'observation en 6mn

Je m'amuse toujours avec la camera ultra grand champs. Des angles differents, pendant de longues heures d'observation sur deux nuits pour epier le ciel et le télescope.
2 janvier 2012

WR 134, HeII 5411

WR 134, HeII 5411
Following the HeII4686 and the HeI5876 here is the study of the HeII5411 line of the wolf rayet star WR134. I present a time serie of three spectra taken during a total exposure of 2H40, with 2X1h spectra and 1X40minutes for the last one. small active...
18 décembre 2011

Test of a new home made skycam

Test of a new home made skycam
I made a sky cam with a DMK31usb camera and a 24mm f1.8 Zuiko lens. First light during a whole observing session, about 8h of video, 1 image every minutes. The aim is sky monitoring during observation, detection of cloud and in the future, detection and...
14 décembre 2011

WR 134, HeI 5876

WR 134, HeI 5876
Following the study of HeII4686, here is the HeI 5876 extracted from an order of an eshell spectrum of 9600s exposure and sampled to 3600s and 7200s for comparison. SNR is better than in the blue region, normal with the better sensitivity of the ccd,...
14 décembre 2011

WR 134, HeII4686

WR 134, HeII4686
Here is a study of the HeII4686 profile variation depending of the exposure time of WR134, a wolf rayet star subject of a 2013 pro am campaign from the Convento group The SNR requirement on 1hour exposure for this campaign is about 200. The resolution...
20 octobre 2011

An active V442 and outburst

An active V442 and outburst
In 2010, August, i discovered an outburst of the Be star V442 and. That was my 2nd discovered outburst during 2010 on a total of three up to date. Unlike the others, this outburst occurred during a period of nine month, between two observations, and last...
10 octobre 2011

Hi resolution échelle spectra of SN2011fe

Hi resolution échelle spectra of SN2011fe
I've finally managed to catch an échelle spectra of SN2011fe with my C14 spectrograph equipment (calling DeNise in the memories of my grand mother) observatories This spectra is the sum of 15 exposures of 900s taken in two nights, September 22 and 23....
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