Hi resolution échelle spectra of SN2011fe
I've finally managed to catch an échelle spectra of SN2011fe with my C14 spectrograph equipment (calling DeNise in the memories of my grand mother) observatories
This spectra is the sum of 15 exposures of 900s taken in two nights, September 22 and 23. As seen here http://www.astrosurf.com/aras/surveys/supernovae/sn2011fe/obs.html the overall shape of the spectra doesn't change in this period. The SN was at 10.5 Vmag and low over the horizon.
The échelle spectrograph is an Eshell model from Sheliak Instruments (http://www.shelyak.com/rubrique.php?id_rubrique=7), fiber feed from a F5 14" schmidt cassegrain telescope on an Altaz mount. The slit is a hole of 50µm and the ccd is a Sbig ST10XME with a pixel size of 6.8µm and a read out of 8.8e- (http://www.sbig.com/ST-10XME-C2.html).
Spectral coverage is about 291nm from 4440A to 7352A at a mean resolution of 10500 and a dispersion of 0.1A/pix. Data reduction of order 31 to 49 was made under Audela environment uising the eshell spectra reduction pipeline (http://whttp://www.audela.org). The spectra was dark current corrected and tungsten(2700K) flat field divided. An instrumental response with a correction of atmospheric extinction in relative flux to the continuum was made with a low resolution spectra from françois Teyssier (http://www.astronomie-amateur.fr/feuilles/SuperNovae.html).
Primary image, reducted to 40%
Low res overall spectra Jpg(spcAudace)
Zip package with full resolution Fit 1D orders, and order table 20110922_190023_SN2011fe_15x900s_TGarrel
Juste a look to 3s exp of the guiding cam (Lodestar)
It was an exiting experience to dispersed the light of such a far object from my garden.